07526 757 536

Body Sculpting

The Sincosculpt treatment is a new dimension in non-invasive body contouring, clinically proven to build muscle and burn fat.

Combining Radio Frequency with Focused Electro-Magnetic energy to provide even better muscle building and fat reduction results, with added benefit of skin tightening too.

Target Areas

Targeted for stomach, buttocks, arms and legs, or pelvic floor to strengthen the core and tone the body, while also reducing stubborn fat cells, without discomfort. No needles, no anaesthesia and no downtime.

Ideal for both men and women with ‘pinchable’ fat wishing to sculpt their body.

Click to book your treatment today


Sincosculpt uses a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology to induce continuous expansion and contractions of the muscle to achieve high frequency extreme training. Something that cannot be achieved at the gym through voluntary exercise.

The muscle tissue then adapts by remodelling its inner structure resulting in building muscle and burning fat.

  • 16% average increase in muscle mass
  • 19% average fat reduction
Call now for your FREE consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work and how many sessions will I need?

Most people require 4-6 treatments, lasting 30 mins each, scheduled once or twice a week, to see great results.

Alongside a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet you will see more results in less time. (Final results are seen a month after the last session).

Each treatment is the equivalent of doing 20,000 squats or crunches and targets your muscles deepe,r in a way that no workout at the gym could ever achieve, all without you having to move a muscle or break a sweat!

What does it feel like?

You can feel intense muscle contractions together with a heating sensation in the treated area.

Is it uncomfortable?

The power can be adjusted each treatment or area, and the treatment intensity can be built up over your course of treatment so it is alway comfortable.

Full consultation with one of our practitioners is required prior to treatment.

Patients not suitable for this treatment:

  • Electronic implants (pacemakers, defibrillators and neurostimulators)
  • Metal implants
  • Pregnancy, post-partum period (6 weeks) and nursing mothers
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Cancer
  • Recent surgery
  • Pulmonary insufficiencies

No more than 2 areas in one session

Results may vary from person to person